Photo on 5-14-18 at 7.27 AM.jpg


Yari DohertyYari DohertyStuck and shackled, 2018A shoe box, Cardboard, cardboard paper, wood cylinders, Hot glue, Rope, copper wire, Piece of foam paper, printed out the image.
This suitcase exhibit represents my addiction to my computer. The person in the chair is a representation of me. The wires are ensnaring me and controlling my actions. The wires are representing extensions of the computer. The object is staring at the computer screen and nothing else. The chair and table have an uncomplicated design showing how little it matters. The overall installation represents is me being trapped as if the computer governs me. I am Stuck and shackled to the computer, preventing me from escaping.

The story

Yari Doherty
Mrs. Meadows
Language and literature

The Things I carry

I carry my headphones to listen to music while away from class
I carry my school computer where I would play and watch videos all day with.

Going to school, I would have my computer with me everywhere I would go. There was a game we found, called tank trouble. When we were playing the game, I would win most of the time. Other days I would put on my headphones and would watch different videos until lunch was over.

I always have my computer with me, everywhere I would go. Even if I don’t use it, I bring it everywhere. It is as it is consumed me, I can’t live without it. I sometimes think of leaving the computer alone and having no technology. I can’t, it frightens me, to even think of a world without my computer. When I am playing video games, I have my computer with me watching something.

When I was home, I would do nothing but watch videos and play video games. I am at the point where I am addicted to video games and can’t live without them. Therefore my parent decided to change somethings around. “Yari, you haven’t been doing your homework.” “even worse, your grades have been going down.” You can not play video games during schools. You can only play video games during the weekend.” “fine.” I did follow the rules, to a certain extent. I didn’t play any video games, but I would watch videos when they were not looking. There was a moment when they were not sure if I was working. They made an exception if I would watch Dutch news. I would and then didn’t. Eventually, we came to a compromise. From 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. I was allowed to play video games. every time I would come back from school I would use that time

During class, could not concentrate being distracted by my computer. Not knowing, what the teacher is teaching. I try to ask, someone where we were. In some classes, I would do something else, instead of working. When I was in 7th grade, my friends have discovered Team Fortress 2, and we would play every time even during classes. We would swipe to another screen if a teacher would walk by, checking if we were working. In 8th grade we moved on to Minecraft, trying new things in the game, or new ways to play the game. Minecraft was the popular game, I got addicted to it and I would play it even more. During class, Home, late at night, I would play as much as possible.

The computer has made work easier, but as well as getting distracted easier. I do appreciate what computers allow me to do homework. Even Though I can’t do my work when I am home or just distracted a little bit. Just because I am addicted doesn’t mean I hate playing video games or watching video games. It is one of my favorite things to do. Computers a welcome addition.